Mechanical System
Air-conditioning and plumbing systems
From commercial facilities and plants occupied by people to building roofs and basements that people rarely see, maintaining a good living environment is very important. With our wide array of advanced technologies, Kinden Vietnam offers services, including constructing human-friendly air-conditioning, water supply, and drainage systems, to maintain a good living environment that significantly helps our bodies and minds.

Future-oriented and environment-friendly recycling energy
Through future-oriented energy systems and recycling and renewal technologies, we work to create a recycling-oriented symbiosis society where environmental burdens are reduced.
We provide co-generation systems, thermal storage air-conditioning systems, central heating, and air-conditioning systems and more.
Environmental preservation
For environmental preservation, we work to collect Freon and treat water. Our air-cleanup, ventilation and active oxygen sterilization systems remove volatile organic compounds (VOC) and other harmful substances. Through these, we create a healthy living environment more.
Improving the living environment
Our objective is to perform what needs to be performed efficiently, economically and in an environment-friendly way. We pursue ideal air-conditioning systems.
We provide air-conditioning, air-cleanup, ventilation plumbing systems and more.

Future-oriented and environment-friendly recycling energy
Improving industrial utility systems at plants and facilities The quality of energy-supplying systems at industrial facilities directly affects production costs and is important to business and environment management.
We provide air-supplying systems, water softeners, boilers systems, cooling water systems, chemical supplying systems, and filtration systems.

Industrial environment systems
Our unique technologies and know-how, including instruction on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system for preventing microbial contamination, tampering and other accidents, enable our customers to meet the environmental requirements of today's society.
We provide clean room equipment, HACCP, and more.